Probiotic Toothpaste to Upgrade your Teeth Care Game
From probiotic toothpaste to curcumin and turmeric, there’ s a hype on how to take care of your mouth and brush your teeth in the best way and we want to share with you how you can upgrade your teeth care game.
A beautiful smile and healthy gums depend on many small daily actions and choosing a suitable toothpaste are one of them. Who has not bought a toothpaste based on price or taste? Going to the supermarket and letting yourself be carried away by the special half-price tag could be tempting sometimes. Now, if we wouldn’t take home any kind of low-quality shampoo or face cream, why do we do it with toothpaste?
Considering that it goes in your mouth few times a day, it’s no a bad idea to check the ingredients of your toothpaste and try to use better quality options like White Glo that has launched a new range heightens every health and beauty routine with a little extra that you didn’t even know you needed.
A probiotic toothpaste?
The benefits of taking probiotics for a happy gut is not a secret, but what about if we take advantage of the good bacteria for our mouth and breath? White Glo Probiotic Whitening Toothpaste came up with a probiotic toothpaste formula that caught CF attention, a toothpaste that contains millions of active good bacteria, helps to restore balance, and promote a healthy mouth as well as a fresh breath. It’ll also support your teeth to not just feel, but also to look cleaner and brighter.
Turmeric in the toothpaste?
If a probiotic toothpaste is not enough for you and you are really into a new balanced lifestyle, you’ll be forgiven for questioning whether you really did read turmeric in the same sentence as a whitening toothpaste. As you might know, turmeric has an endless number of benefits. FYI, it also helps gum inflammation and this toothpaste from White Glo is packed with extra strength agents that whiten and protect against decay at the same time. Do you need more reasons?
Micellar water in the toothpaste?
Yes, it’s possible to have micellar water not just into your skincare. This one is formulated with micelles, an active cleaning molecule that acts as a magnet to capture stains, plaque, and tartar on the enamel without any potent brushing or lengthy whitening processes, just a gentle brush with micellar and you’ll be ready to say Hi! to your fresher white smile.
How to brush your teeth properly?
Brushing your teeth must be one more self-care routine and we shouldn’t disregard its quality. Take the opportunity to improve the technique, to insist more on the areas of difficult access, or to pay more attention to cleaning between your teeth with dental floss.
And if you want whiter teeth…
The color of our teeth changes with the years. There is no need to obsess, as this is completely normal. Now, if you do not want to speed up the process, you should really take care of the hygiene of your mouth, what you eat, and avoid a few little things.
Avoid tobacco. In addition to the stains it produces, nicotine is a potential enemy of enamel.
Drink enough water. It helps to keep the mouth clean and free of any debris. Without a doubt, the best beauty ally.
Don’t go for ‘at-home remedies’. If they are not supervised by a dentist, better avoid them.
Moderate consumption of foods that stain them. Like coffee (We know how hard it can be but everything in moderation is key).
Use whitening toothpaste. Choose trusted brands that guarantee its effectiveness. White Glo’s has launched a ‘beauty’ challenge under the hashtag #WhiteGloChallenge, with which they invite to show authentic smiles and demonstrate that their products work along with the joy of a product that makes you feel better in a sec. The probiotic toothpaste mentioned is a great option to start. Get in touch for a care package complete with the White Glo goodies above and your own Accelerator Blue Light kit, so you can work on your whitening skills whilst working from home!